Majestic structure technical concept

Tremor at high altitudes, report by Noticias Caracol

Before the strong earthquake that shook a good part of the national territory the past 10 of March/15, which had epicenter at the table of the Saints, proceeded to ask the engineer Alexis Vega Arguello, an expert on structures and who is responsible for the auditing and technical supervision of the MAJESTIC structure, which carried out a detailed review of the State of the building after this strong earthquake finding that the response of the structure was very good, which makes us very happy and becomes a part of tranquility for all buyers of the project.

Deputy copy mail sent by the engineer Alexis Vega on the inspection carried out on the structure.

fenix-construcciones-alexi-vega (1)

Then refer draft report of visit to the project

  • In my capacity as financial controller of the structural design and technical supervisor of the construction of the Building MAJESTIC, located in the race 41 with 41 Street of the city of Bucaramanga, developed by PHOENIX Constructions S. A. and after developing a tour of the project, reviewing from the basement up to the highest levels (37th floor and terrace floor 38), together with the engineer Jorge Luis Ogliastri, director of the project, on Wednesday March 11 of this year, a day after the seismic event recorded on Tuesday March 10, we can conceptualize the following:
  • The project was designed, approved and built fully abide by the rules earthquake resistant colombian and his behavior during and after the seismic event recorded the day Tuesday, 10 March 2015 was excellent and as expected.
  • There were no faults, fissures, deflections permanent or phenomena that indicate a commitment to the security and functionality of the structure of the project.
  • The project is safe and reliable to continue being finished and subsequently inhabited after the seismic event recorded. MAJESTIC is one of the safer places in the city to be in the occurrence of any seismic event.

    Ing. Alexis Vega Arguello
    ESP. In Structures UIS
    Magister (c) in structural engineering UIS

Majestic el lugar mas seguro en medio de un temblor




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FRECH NO VIS otorgados para los años 2020 – 2021 – 2022

El Gobierno Nacional aprobó un paquete de subsidios para incentivar la compra de vivienda nueva no VIS (Vivienda de interés social), es decir aquellas que superan el límite de la vivienda de interés social, los ha denominado SUBSIDIOS FRECH NO VIS y estarán vigentes durante los años 2020, 2021 y 2022.