
In the week of December 12 until January 9, 2016 will be the real estate fair to Phoenix Construcciones s.a. organized by year end.

All your projects will have great discounts in prices between $5,000,000 and $15,000,000 according to the project, who also define your purchase this week of the fair can immediately take home one of the pieces of art (painting or sculpture) artists that Phoenix has been promoting in the current year, you choose it.

Fenix arteI already called and schedule your appointment, worth take advantage of these awards and make the best purchase of the year… a project with Phoenix style.

Grand Boulevard: Bulevar Bolívar con Cra.20
Borealix: Calle 34 # 28 – 42 Aurora
Centro Comercial Megamall Local 228
Cra 27 # 36 – 14 Local 116 Edf SURA
PBX: (7) 6350055 / 6353636 / 6439990
Cel: 310 554 65 88 / 315 354 7671


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Buscando que nuestros clientes copropietarios de Grand Boulevard disfruten de los mejores espacios abiertos del proyecto, hemos adelantado una obra de Grand Boulevard que estaba

FRECH NO VIS otorgados para los años 2020 – 2021 – 2022

El Gobierno Nacional aprobó un paquete de subsidios para incentivar la compra de vivienda nueva no VIS (Vivienda de interés social), es decir aquellas que superan el límite de la vivienda de interés social, los ha denominado SUBSIDIOS FRECH NO VIS y estarán vigentes durante los años 2020, 2021 y 2022.