
ADVANCE work of CORTIJO CAJICÁ: the work advances at accelerated rate as shown in the attached photo, among others thanks to the high quality of the European Panel which was purchased for this project, which allows you to merge a full floor (10 apartments) every week.

Currently the structure of Tower 1 advances to the third floor and in the middle of December we will have all of the structure of the Tower completely finished 1. See attached photo.

Will give home to the construction of Tower 2 that already has the entire Foundation in advance, whose structure should conclude at the end of February 2016, to start the stage of Tower 1 and 2 finishes in January 2016.

Las Torres 4 will begin to fade at the beginning of March/16 and will end in April/16 and the Tower 3 will terminate at the end of the month of may 2016.



SALES status and firm promises of COMRPA sale: To date we have 81 units sold, and in general the dynamics of sales is good. With respect to the signing of promises of purchase sale, because we ended up signing them, we only have a case pending with which we hope to move forward next week.

On our website in the El Cortijo project is already posted a video recently made the apartment model, we invite you to see it, share it on your Facebook with your friends. To see it click here: modelo.html

MORE awards for your concerned – friends CLUB of Phoenix:  finding ourselves in the final stage of the farmhouse project sales, improve prices by your referred members, therefore each of the referrals that present us from tomorrow 28 October-15 until March 30, 2016, you will receive in addition to the gifts that know that they are :

  • $ 400,000 cash
  • one of the 300 ballots among which we will raffle the furniture, decoration, and art of the apartment model of the  farmhouse
  • And for your referrals between the dates mentioned above now will receive one of the 350 ballots among which we will raffle this spectacular Mazda Touring latest model, between the referrers of the regional two where it operates our company (Santander and Cundinamarca)
    not wait more invite friends and family to know farmhouse Cajicá and win these fabulous prizes. We know that we have all our buyers the farmhouse and that easily each may refer at least 1 customer cash.

    Credit Builder

    the selected bank to finance the farm was finally Bancolombia, presented the best offer for our company and for our customers.

Cra 13 contact with 10th Street intersection Cajicá
Centro Comercial Santafé Local 3-108
PBX: (1) 866 6571 Cel: 3133954307



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FRECH NO VIS otorgados para los años 2020 – 2021 – 2022

El Gobierno Nacional aprobó un paquete de subsidios para incentivar la compra de vivienda nueva no VIS (Vivienda de interés social), es decir aquellas que superan el límite de la vivienda de interés social, los ha denominado SUBSIDIOS FRECH NO VIS y estarán vigentes durante los años 2020, 2021 y 2022.